The creatives behind the Jingles & Commercial Music Production House, Mutive Studio, is none other than a team of passionate & experienced Jingles Writer, Composer, Commercial Music Producer and the likes. Here is their story with Sports Toto CNY 2022

Sports Toto’s CNY 2022 tells a heartwarming story of two brothers who are constantly at odds with each other. The ad begins with scenes of the brothers competing fiercely in various games,  showing their intense rivalry. However, as CNY approaches, the brothers’ animosity begins to soften, and they start to realize the importance of family and forgiveness. The brothers gradually reconcile their differences and come together to celebrate the New Year with genuine joy and laughter. The ad conveys the message that CNY is a time for reconciliation, harmony, and strengthening familial bonds, and Sports Toto is the bridge that brings families closer during this auspicious season. With its unique humorous treatment, Sports Toto’s CNY 2022 leaves viewers with a heartwarming reminder of the true meaning of the Lunar New Year.

Mutive Studio is truly privileged to have been selected to be the audio production house for this festive project with a fun twist.

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