The creatives behind the Jingles & Commercial Music Production House, Mutive Studio, is none other than a team of passionate & experienced Jingles Writer, Composer, Commercial Music Producer and the likes. Here is their story with 50 Megumi featuring Charlene Choi

The “50 Megumi Anti-Hair Loss Treatment Essence” is a breakthrough in hair care, endorsed by the renowned fashion icon, Charlene Choi. In this ad, Charlene showcases her lustrous locks and shares her personal experience with the effective anti-hair loss treatment. With her radiant smile and flawless hair, exudes confidence and beauty, endorsing the product’s ability to promote hair growth, strengthen roots, and prevent hair loss. Her endorsement lends credibility to the product, making it a must-try for those seeking an effective solution to combat hair loss.

Mutive Studio is truly privileged to have been selected to be the audio production house.

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